Why Ash Content in Briquettes Is Important?
There is a lot of debate surrounding the ash content in briquettes. Some people believe that briquettes with a high ash content are better for smoking shisha, while others claim that they are not as good as those with a low ash content.
If you’re looking for a shisha that offers a more consistent and flavorful smoke, the ash content in the briquettes is important. What are the benefits of ash content in briquettes? Briquettes made with high ash content provide a more even heat across the shisha, meaning you won’t have to work as hard to get the most out of your session. In addition, the ash content in briquettes helps keep your shisha tasting fresh for longer periods of time.
In this blog, we will be discussing the benefits of ash content in briquettes and what makes a good briquette. We will also provide a guide on how to check the ash content in your briquettes and help you decide which type of briquette is best for you. So read on to learn all you need to know about the ash content in briquettes!
Ash content in briquettes: What you need to know
If you’re a fan of smoking shisha, then you know that one of the most important things to consider is the ash content in your briquettes. The right amount of ash can mean the difference between a smooth smoke and a harsh one. Too much ash can also clog your hookah bowl and make it difficult to enjoy your session.

So what exactly is biomass? Biomass is organic matter that can be used as fuel. This includes anything from wood chips to agricultural waste. Briquettes are made by compressing this biomass into a small, dense block using pressure and heat. The high density makes them ideal for use in hookahs because they burn slowly and evenly, giving you plenty of time to enjoy your smoke without having to constantly tend to the coals.
As for ash content, this refers to the percentage of non-combustible materials present in a coal or briquette sample. The higher the ash content, the more impurities there are in the coal or briquette. These impurities can come from a variety of sources, but most often they’re due to incomplete combustion during the manufacturing process or contamination from other materials used in manufacturing (such as clay binders). Either way, it’s important to look for briquettes with low ash content so that you can avoid any issues while smoking.
At Lord Company, we pride ourselves on producing high quality shisha products with low ash content. Our loyal customers have come to expect nothing less than perfection from us. That’s why all our charcoal products go through rigorous quality control testing before they ever reach store shelves, ensuring each batch meets our exacting standards. When it comes to choosing the right type of charcoal briquettes for your needs, always remember: the lower the better when it comes to briquetting ASH.
What are the benefits of ash content in briquettes?
Shisha, also known as hookah, is a water pipe used for smoking flavored tobacco. Charcoal is used to heat the tobacco, and the smoke goes through a water basin before the smoker breathes it in.
The benefits of ash content in briquettes include longer burn times, improved combustion, and reduced ash production.
One of the benefits of using briquettes made with low ash content is that they have a higher calorific value. This means that the briquettes will produce more heat and light when burned.
Another benefit of using low-ash content briquettes is that they emit less smoke. Even so, the types of products we produce emit almost no smoke. This is because the charcoal burns more completely when there is less ash in it. This means that less unburned matter is released into the air as smoke.
How to check the ash content in your briquettes?
When it comes to shisha, one of the most important aspects is the ash content. This is because the ash content will affect both the flavor and the amount of smoke produced. Too much ash can make your shisha taste bitter and can also cause your coal to produce less smoke. Conversely, not enough ash can make your shisha taste bland and can also result in a higher moisture content, which makes for a harsher smoke. So how do you know if your briquettes have the right amount of ash?
There are a few ways that you can test the ash content of your briquettes:
- The first way is to simply look at them. Ash should be evenly distributed throughout the briquette and should not be concentrated in any one area. If you see areas that are darker or lighter than others, this could be an indication of too much or too little sleep.
- Another way to test for ash content is by burning a small sample of the briquette on its own. Once it has burned completely, weigh it and compare the weight to other samples of known moisture content and volatile matters. The difference between these two weights will give you a good idea of what the coal is made up of.
You can also use a laboratory test that will measure the total combustion value, which includes ash. However, this testing is more expensive and isn’t always necessary unless you are trying to get an accurate number for legal reasons or something like that. Overall, as long as you keep an eye out for an even distribution of ashes in your briquettes and burn a sample every now and then to get an idea of their moisture content and volatile matter levels, you’ll be just fine!
What makes a good briquette?
There are many factors that make a good briquette. The most important factor is the high temperature at which it burns. Briquettes made of coconut shell with a high burning temperature are ideal for use in shisha pipes, as they provide consistent heat and prevent the tobacco from burning too quickly.
Another important factor to consider is the particle size of the briquette. Smaller particles will burn more evenly and produce less ash than larger ones. This makes them perfect for use in hookah bowls where you want to avoid having to constantly clean out ashes. You can also read our article about the best charcoal briquettes for shisha to learn more about the different types of briquettes available on the market.
To sum up, a good briquette should be made of material with a high burning temperature and have small particles for even smoking and less ash production.
Briquettes with the right ash content
Which is the best briquette? This is a question that has been asked since the early days of charcoal production. The answer, however, is not as simple as it may seem. It all depends on what you want to use the briquettes for.
Coconut charcoal briquettes are made from 100% natural coconut shells. Why? The ash content in coconut briquettes is very low, around 2-3%, which means that when you’re smoking shisha or grilling with them, there’s much less of the nasty stuff being released into the air and ending up in your lungs. They also burn for a long time, around 2-3 hours. So, you don’t need to keep changing them as often.
Sawdust briquettes are different. The ash content in these is around 10-15%. This is because the briquettes are made from, you guessed it, sawdust! And as we all know, wood produces more ash when burned. But that doesn’t mean they’re not good for anything. In fact, many people prefer them for grilling as they give off a nice smoky flavor.
So there you have it! The answer to the question of which briquette has the right ash content really depends on what you’re going to use it for. If you want something with low ash that burns for a long time, go for coconut shell charcoal briquettes. However, if you don’t mind a bit more ash and you want your food to have a smoky flavor, then go for sawdust briquettes instead.
It’s time you knew the benefits of ash content in briquettes and how to check the ash content. By reading this blog, you will be able to make an informed decision about the right briquette for your needs. Make sure to check back for more helpful information on ash content in briquettes!