Coconut Charcoal From Indonesia, The Prospect and The Advantages
Indonesia has the potential to be number one in the world as a producer of coconut charcoal. Hundreds of thousands of tons of it have been exported in many countries with export values reaching hundreds of US dollars. This is because coconut charcoal from Indonesia has several advantages.

It has the best quality, the price is affordable, and has been exported in many countries, making coconut charcoal from Indonesia so famous. If you want to know more about Indonesian coconut charcoal, here are the explanations:
Prospects of Coconut Charcoal in Indonesia
The need for coconut charcoal is very prospective and has the potential to expand the market. This is because developed countries, as the biggest consumers of charcoal products, are aware of how much damage to forests that are cut down for charcoal purposes. Therefore, it has the potential to be a substitute product for wood charcoal because it is environmentally friendly.
In 2019, Indonesian coconut charcoal exports reached 188,050 tons with an export value of 145.09 million US dollars. And now, the Ministry of Agriculture in Indonesia continues to boost the production and export of it in the context of accelerating the Triple Export Improvement Movement until 2024.
The Advantages of Coconut Charcoal from Indonesia:
Indonesian coconut charcoal is famous in many countries because it has many advantages. Starting from the best quality, the competitive price, and it has been exported in many countries. The following are the advantages of Indonesian coconut charcoal that you can use as a reference:
1. Best Quality
Indonesia is a tropical country so it has a lot of coconut trees. Many manufacturers reprocess all parts of the coconut tree, including the coconut shell, to increase its value. In Indonesia, one of the products of coconut shell production, which is popular in many countries, is coconut charcoal. This is because coconut charcoal from Indonesia has the best quality.
All coconut charcoal manufacturers in Indonesia process coconut charcoal using natural ingredients. Therefore, no wonder this charcoal does not have an unpleasant odor so it is safe for cooking or shisha and hookah. Then, it does not produce a lot of ash, so it keeps the food healthy.
2. Competitive Price
If you buy it, you will get the best price with commensurate quality. The price of coconut charcoal in Indonesia ranges from USD 1,000 to USD 1,500 per tonne. However, this price range depends on the specifications, if it has high quality, then the price is higher.
You will find much cheaper prices in the market, but you need to be careful because cheap charcoal prices are from wood charcoal. Then, the final production cost of coconut charcoal is also slightly more expensive than wood charcoal so the price of it is competitive.
3. Widely Exported To Many Countries
Many countries use coconut charcoal in addition to medicinal and pharmaceutical ingredients. For example, in the Middle East, using it as smoking shisha or hookah. Meanwhile, in the European region, using it as fuel for barbecue (BBQ).
Currently, more and more countries need it for various purposes. Until now, Indonesia exports coconut charcoal mostly to China, Brazil, Germany, Lebanon, Malaysia, the Netherlands, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Sri Lanka, and Vietnam.
Now you know more about the advantages of coconut charcoal from Indonesia. Because of these advantages, it has good prospects. Thus, the Indonesian government also supports the production and export of